
Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata)

Pluchea lanceolata is accepted as classical drug for arthritis.

Its decoction is given for rheumatic conditions, muscular pains, edema, and fever and also applied externally as massage oil. The leaves are aperients, used as a analgesic, antipyretic and laxative.


The presence of different constituents viz. alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, tannins, glycosides, saponins, proteins, carbohydrates, sterols and phenols were identified by standard isolation techniques.

Leaves part was found to be richer in secondary metabolites as compared to others in vivo (stem and root) and in vitro (callus) plant parts. Indole alkaloids and Pleuchioside, Monoacetylpleuchioside, 3-Oxo-pleuchioside, Pleuchiol, Monoacetyl pleuchiol, were found in leaves. They are responsible for anti-inflammatory action of the drug.


  • Exhibits significant anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activities
  • Anti-Malarial activity
  • Anti-asthamatic activity
  • Has an Immunosuppressive effect
  • Immunostimulating effect
  • It also aids in Antibiotic activity and Antioxidant activity.